PlayStation VR游戏下载排行榜

映维网 2024年9月18日)索尼近期发布了PlayStation VR 和 PlayStation VR2的上个月下载排行榜,该榜单分为美区(包括美国、加拿大)和欧洲区,具体榜单如下。

1. PS VR2游戏下载排行榜TOP10

US/CanadaEUBeat SaberSwordsman VRSwordsman VRBeat SaberAmong Us VRPavlovPavlovAmong Us VRArizona Sunshine 2Arizona Sunshine 2Arcade Paradise VRJob SimulatorCOMPOUNDArcade Paradise VRCreed: Rise to Glory – Championship EditionCreed: Rise to Glory – Championship EditionSynapseSurvivorman VR The DescentJob SimulatorThe Dark Pictures: Switchback VR

2. PS VR游戏下载排行榜TOP10

US/CanadaEUASTRO BOT Rescue MissionSUPERHOT VRSUPERHOT VRSniper Elite VRThe Walking Dead OnslaughtJob SimulatorParanormal Activity: The Lost SoulThe Walking Dead OnslaughtJob SimulatorGoalkeeper VR ChallengeArizona SunshineBatman: Arkham VRBorderlands 2 VRBeat SaberThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VRASTRO BOT Rescue MissionCreed Rise to GloryCreed: Rise to GlorySniper Elite VRArizona Sunshine